求助,lnmp mysql经常自动停止
lnmp mysql经常自动停止,重启一下lnmp又好了,过一段时间有自动停止了。。。帮忙看一下错误日志,该怎么解决,谢谢 2016-04-26 09:44:01 7f9633961700 InnoDB: Error: Table "mysql"."innodb_table_stats" not found.
2016-04-26 09:44:01 7f9633961700 InnoDB: Error: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table "shopnc_club"."club_cron" but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.
2016-04-26 09:44:01 7f9633961700 InnoDB: Error: Table "mysql"."innodb_table_stats" not found.
2016-04-26 09:44:01 7f9633961700 InnoDB: Error: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table "shopnc_club"."club_web" but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.
按日志看数据表有损坏,看你日志你这个没启用innodb,是不是做过什么操作 哦,可能是最初安装的时候,把mysql5.5(没安装innodb)升级到5.6(安装innodb)时出现了什么错误吧,我决定从新安装一下