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lnmpa 1.3版本添加vhost没有mysql等初始化选项

发表于 2016-9-26 21:55:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

lnmpa 1.3版本添加vhost没有mysql等初始化选项Please enter domain(example: www.lnmp.org): sx.cc
Your domain: sx.cc
Do you want to add more domain name? (y/n)
Please enter the directory for the domain: sx.cc
(Default directory: /home/wwwroot/sx.cc):
Virtual Host Directory: /home/wwwroot/sx.cc
Allow access_log? (y/n)

Enter access log name(Default access log file:sx.cc.log):
You access log filename: sx.cc.log
Please enter Administrator Email Address: 123456@qq.com
Server Administrator Email:123456@qq.com
Create database and MySQL user with same name (y/n)

Press any key to start create virtul host...

Create Virtul Host directory......
set permissions of Virtual Host directory......
Test Nginx configure file......
nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful

Restart Nginx......
Test Apache configure file...
test apache configure... Syntax OK
Restart Apache...
restart apache...  done
Virtualhost infomation:
Your domain: sx.cc
Home Directory: /home/wwwroot/sx.cc
Enable log: yes
Create database: no
Create ftp account: no
美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-26 21:57:08 | 显示全部楼层

Create database and MySQL user with same name (y/n) 我输入 Y 和N 都试过,结果一样的。 MYSQL服务存在且运行起的。
发表于 2016-9-27 09:08:42 | 显示全部楼层

上面你发的记录显示你输入的是root 不是y,大写Y或其他都被认为是不添加数据库
美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
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