
查看: 5680|回复: 4

502 Bad Gateway php进程死亡,手动启动过几天又死

发表于 2013-7-21 09:19:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

系统:CentOS6.2 64位环境:用这个安装的wget -c http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp1.0-full.tar.gz && tar zxvf lnmp1.0-full.tar.gz && cd lnmp1.0-full && ./centos.sh
502 Bad Gateway时,需要ssh连接一下,然后执行
/usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm start就能马上用了。但是我这不可能出这问题就要去执行一下呀。

https://bbs.vpser.net/thread-1654-1-1.html 论坛里以前有人提问过的问题。
同时也按了他们的解决方法试了一下,然后我重启系统之后,刚开机访问探针php页面还是502 Bad Gateway,而执行一下那个/usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm start就行了。


Jul 15 14:40:49.798426 [NOTICE] fpm_unix_init_main(), line 284: getrlimit(nofile): max:65535, cur:65535
Jul 15 14:40:49.798797 [NOTICE] fpm_event_init_main(), line 88: libevent: using epoll
Jul 15 14:40:49.798875 [NOTICE] fpm_init(), line 52: fpm is running, pid 1537
Jul 15 14:40:49.799662 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 1538 (pool default) started
Jul 15 14:40:49.800282 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 1539 (pool default) started
Jul 15 14:40:49.800873 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 1540 (pool default) started
Jul 15 14:40:49.801473 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 1541 (pool default) started
Jul 15 14:40:49.804823 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 1542 (pool default) started
Jul 15 14:40:49.804896 [NOTICE] fpm_event_loop(), line 107: libevent: entering main loop
Jul 15 15:35:24.474383 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 15 15:35:24.481790 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 1538 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 3274.682131 seconds from start
Jul 15 15:35:24.482470 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 2026 (pool default) started
Jul 15 15:35:24.482528 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 1539 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 3274.682266 seconds from start
Jul 15 15:35:24.482995 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 2027 (pool default) started
Jul 15 15:35:24.483035 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 1540 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 3274.682183 seconds from start
Jul 15 15:35:24.483635 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 2028 (pool default) started
Jul 15 15:35:24.483681 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 1541 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 3274.682230 seconds from start
Jul 15 15:35:24.484177 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 2029 (pool default) started
Jul 15 15:35:24.484288 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 1542 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 3274.679800 seconds from start
Jul 15 15:35:24.484723 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 2030 (pool default) started
Jul 15 15:35:24.484747 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 56: received SIGTERM
Jul 15 15:35:24.484837 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl(), line 256: switching to 'terminating' state
Jul 15 15:35:24.484861 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 2030 (pool default)
Jul 15 15:35:24.484870 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 2029 (pool default)
Jul 15 15:35:24.484876 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 2028 (pool default)
Jul 15 15:35:24.484882 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 2027 (pool default)
Jul 15 15:35:24.484889 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 2026 (pool default)
Jul 15 15:35:24.484894 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 181: 5 children are still alive
Jul 15 15:35:24.484906 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 15 15:35:24.484914 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-21 09:19:27 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1# 的帖子

Jul 15 17:27:44.714270 [NOTICE] fpm_unix_init_main(), line 284: getrlimit(nofile): max:65535, cur:65535
Jul 15 17:27:44.720394 [NOTICE] fpm_event_init_main(), line 88: libevent: using epoll
Jul 15 17:27:44.720588 [NOTICE] fpm_init(), line 52: fpm is running, pid 20756
Jul 15 17:27:44.722410 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 20757 (pool default) started
Jul 15 17:27:44.723103 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 20758 (pool default) started
Jul 15 17:27:44.723651 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 20759 (pool default) started
Jul 15 17:27:44.724253 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 20760 (pool default) started
Jul 15 17:27:44.724934 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 20761 (pool default) started
Jul 15 17:27:44.725009 [NOTICE] fpm_event_loop(), line 107: libevent: entering main loop
Jul 16 11:11:49.030635 [NOTICE] fpm_unix_init_main(), line 284: getrlimit(nofile): max:65535, cur:65535
Jul 16 11:11:49.031093 [NOTICE] fpm_event_init_main(), line 88: libevent: using epoll
Jul 16 11:11:49.031227 [NOTICE] fpm_init(), line 52: fpm is running, pid 21648
Jul 16 11:11:49.032093 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 21649 (pool default) started
Jul 16 11:11:49.032817 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 21650 (pool default) started
Jul 16 11:11:49.033577 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 21651 (pool default) started
Jul 16 11:11:49.034318 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 21652 (pool default) started
Jul 16 11:11:49.035043 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 21653 (pool default) started
Jul 16 11:11:49.035108 [NOTICE] fpm_event_loop(), line 107: libevent: entering main loop
Jul 21 08:36:05.790283 [NOTICE] fpm_unix_init_main(), line 284: getrlimit(nofile): max:65535, cur:65535
Jul 21 08:36:05.795816 [NOTICE] fpm_event_init_main(), line 88: libevent: using epoll
Jul 21 08:36:05.796026 [NOTICE] fpm_init(), line 52: fpm is running, pid 14312
Jul 21 08:36:05.796934 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 14313 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:36:05.797976 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 14314 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:36:05.799185 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 14315 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:36:05.800870 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 14316 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:36:05.802223 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 14317 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:36:05.802263 [NOTICE] fpm_event_loop(), line 107: libevent: entering main loop
Jul 21 08:51:38.638985 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 56: received SIGTERM
Jul 21 08:51:38.639035 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl(), line 256: switching to 'terminating' state
Jul 21 08:51:38.639060 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 14317 (pool default)
Jul 21 08:51:38.639108 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 14316 (pool default)
Jul 21 08:51:38.639126 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 14315 (pool default)
Jul 21 08:51:38.639138 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 14314 (pool default)
Jul 21 08:51:38.639150 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 14313 (pool default)
Jul 21 08:51:38.639160 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 181: 5 children are still alive
Jul 21 08:51:38.639173 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 08:51:38.639221 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 14314 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 932.841285 seconds from start
Jul 21 08:51:38.639267 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 14315 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 932.840116 seconds from start
Jul 21 08:51:38.639298 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 14316 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 932.838464 seconds from start
Jul 21 08:51:38.639326 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 14317 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 932.837123 seconds from start
Jul 21 08:51:38.639344 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 08:51:38.639358 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 08:51:38.639814 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 08:51:38.639843 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 14313 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 932.842980 seconds from start
Jul 21 08:51:38.639851 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_exit(), line 81: exiting, bye-bye!
Jul 21 08:59:13.677994 [NOTICE] fpm_unix_init_main(), line 284: getrlimit(nofile): max:65535, cur:65535
Jul 21 08:59:13.684474 [NOTICE] fpm_event_init_main(), line 88: libevent: using epoll
Jul 21 08:59:13.684630 [NOTICE] fpm_init(), line 52: fpm is running, pid 3183
Jul 21 08:59:13.685294 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 3184 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:59:13.685924 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 3185 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:59:13.686531 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 3186 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:59:13.687179 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 3187 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:59:13.687827 [NOTICE] fpm_children_make(), line 352: child 3188 (pool default) started
Jul 21 08:59:13.687867 [NOTICE] fpm_event_loop(), line 107: libevent: entering main loop
Jul 21 09:00:25.432746 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 56: received SIGTERM
Jul 21 09:00:25.432813 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl(), line 256: switching to 'terminating' state
Jul 21 09:00:25.432841 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 3188 (pool default)
Jul 21 09:00:25.432859 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 3187 (pool default)
Jul 21 09:00:25.432870 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 3186 (pool default)
Jul 21 09:00:25.432880 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 3185 (pool default)
Jul 21 09:00:25.432891 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 172: sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 3184 (pool default)
Jul 21 09:00:25.432901 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 181: 5 children are still alive
Jul 21 09:00:25.432915 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 09:00:25.432965 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 3184 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 71.747712 seconds from start
Jul 21 09:00:25.433010 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 3186 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 71.746499 seconds from start
Jul 21 09:00:25.433030 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 3188 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 71.745224 seconds from start
Jul 21 09:00:25.433040 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 09:00:25.433992 [NOTICE] fpm_got_signal(), line 48: received SIGCHLD
Jul 21 09:00:25.434034 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 3185 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 71.748133 seconds from start
Jul 21 09:00:25.434058 [WARNING] fpm_children_bury(), line 215: child 3187 (pool default) exited on signal 15 SIGTERM after 71.746911 seconds from start
Jul 21 09:00:25.434066 [NOTICE] fpm_pctl_exit(), line 81: exiting, bye-bye!
发表于 2013-7-21 10:56:26 | 显示全部楼层

美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-22 09:32:27 | 显示全部楼层

回复 3# 的帖子

军哥,你好,有没类似发现php挂了,就执行usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm start一类的角本啥的吗?
发表于 2013-7-22 09:46:23 | 显示全部楼层

置顶帖 502解决方法里早就说了


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