
查看: 4264|回复: 3


发表于 2017-7-17 17:14:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

opcache安装成功但是启动不起来,求助!lnmp版本是1.4,php版本是5.4.45,安装opcache挺顺利,但是重启php的时候(lnmp php-fpm restart),就显示opcache启动失败,,管理给看一下吧,,,谢谢
Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

Installing shared extensions:     /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/
Copy Opcache Control Panel...
Restarting php-fpm......
Gracefully shutting down php-fpm . done
Starting php-fpm Failed loading opcache.so:  opcache.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
====== Opcache install completed ======
Opcache installed successfully, enjoy it!
[root@MyServer lnmp1.4]# lnmp php-fpm restart
|    Manager for LNMP, Written by Licess    |
|              https://lnmp.org             |
Gracefully shutting down php-fpm . done
Starting php-fpm Failed loading opcache.so:  opcache.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-17 18:08:22 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2017-7-17 20:10:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1# 的帖子

看一下 /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ 是否存在opcache

cat /usr/local/php/conf.d/001-ioncube.ini 看一下
美国VPS推荐: 遨游主机LinodeLOCVPS主机云搬瓦工80VPSVultr美国VPS主机中国VPS推荐: 阿里云腾讯云。LNMP付费服务(代装/问题排查)QQ 503228080
发表于 2017-7-19 15:53:28 | 显示全部楼层

回复 3# 的帖子

我lnmp restart时也会
Starting php-fpm  done
Starting php-fpm Failed loading opcache.so:  opcache.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Zend OPcache

Opcode Caching        Up and Running
Optimization        Enabled
SHM Cache        Enabled
File Cache        Disabled
Startup        OK
Shared memory model        mmap
Cache hits        4493
Cache misses        373
Used memory        34998096
Free memory        233437360
Wasted memory        0
Interned Strings Used memory        2040904
Interned Strings Free memory        6347704
Cached scripts        373
Cached keys        442
Max keys        16229

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